
patient support programmes

The impact of patient support programs on adherence, clinical, humanistic, and economic patient outcomes: a targeted systematic review states that health coaching helps people gain and use the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to become active participants in their care so that they can reach their self-identified health and well being goals.

This retrospective study demonstrates that participation in the Patient Support Program augments value-based care by improving outcomes for patients with chronic diseases by helping them not only manage a complex treatment regimen but also lower annual health care costs.

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The impact of behavioural coaching on adherence

Behavioral coaching uses evidence-based clinical strategies and interventions to engage patients in behavior change to better self-manage their health. The ultimate goal is to improve health outcomes, lower risk, and decrease health care costs.

Eyeforpharma’s research revealed that twice as many pharma companies report successful adherence initiatives versus those that failed, with clinical coaching, pharmacy coaching and phone coaching leading the list of the most preferred and effective adherence support tools. Coaching programs consistently increased adherence 25 – 35%, on average.

Patient centered behavioural coaching is designed to help patients determine the way in which THEY believe they need to change their behaviours to achieve their goals.


Phone Coaching

Research shows that phone coaching for people with chronic conditions can improve health behavior, self-efficacy and health status. Planned telephone coaching sessions appear to be most effective for improving self-management skills in people from vulnerable groups:

In a recent study, behavioural coaching via phone support significantly increased patient medication compliance. Results demonstrated that patients who were coached were 25% more adherent to therapy vs. control during a nine-month study.

This 25% increase in medication adherence translated to an increased length of time on therapy of nearly 31 days (Symphony Health Analytics, 2016).