Optimised Patient Outcomes

At Evolve Care, our team has the experience, training and tools you need to maximise your patient support program to deliver optimised patient outcomes.

Each of our solutions can integrate seamlessly with your current patient program, to help you drive brand loyalty and achieve your business goals. We will work collaboratively with you in designing the right solution for your therapy area.


Professional Health Coach

Health coaching helps people gain and use the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to become active participants in their care so that they can reach their self-identified health and well being goals.

Research has shown:

  • 25-35% improvement in adherence with coaching

  • Statistically significant improvement in compliance

  • Decrease in episodes of care

  • Improvement in self efficacy, attitudes towards medicines, adoption of healthier behaviours including physical activity, nutrition, weight and adherence to treatment

  • Reduction in depression and anxiety with improved mental health and better quality of life

Healthcare Gap Analysis

Each of our solutions can integrate seamlessly with your current patient programs , to help you drive brand loyalty and achieve your business goals.

We will work collaboratively with you in designing the right solution for your therapy area by understanding the current healthcare gap and providing solutions that will customize behavioural coaching to your therapy needs.

Online Patient Peer Group

Research has shown that users of online forums improve their coping strategies, both in social interaction and with regard to their health condition. Peer support may also increase supportive communication and emotional well-being.

Create your own active community within your therapy area, members can join groups, participate in discussions and share media.

Patient Engagement Strategy

So many well-meaning patient engagement efforts are based on a fallacy. The logical assumption is that by connecting patients with technology – equipping them with access to their personal health data or the educational information relevant to their condition – they'll take a more active role in their care.

But all the portals, pedometers and Bluetooth-connected scales in the world will only make so much difference – and only on a certain portion of the patient population.

"The idea that we should educate people and help them make better decisions has only minimal effectiveness," says Dr. David Asch, executive director of Penn Medicine's Center for Health Care Innovation.

At its core, behavioral economics is the study of human psychology as it relates to people's decision-making processes. With the era of consumerism upon the healthcare industry, it's time to start adopting some of the innovative techniques other industries use to reach their consumers and influence their behavior. 

Our team will work with you to fully utilize your data alongside behavioural economics to put the right communication plan forward to retain and engage your participants.

Personalised Goals and Objectives

Working one on one with your coach to define your personalised goals

“My coach focused me on my goals and encouraging me when life gets in the way or I lose pace, motivation, vision or energy”

Group Coaching

Coaching for the individual with those who either care for them or who are also impacted by their disease. This can be have an extremely positive impact and promote over all better quality of life and support for all impacted.

On Line Members Site

  • Private secure login to get access to members page and services.

  • Exclusive personalized content, tracking goals and objectives, review summary of previous coaching sessions.

  • Connect and communicate with your coach between sessions, book your coaching sessions.

  • Online peer support - research has shown that users of online support have improved coping strategies both in social interaction and in regard to their health condition.