Individual Care for Individual People

Evolve Care surrounds you with the support and motivation you need to take control of your health or your loved ones health.


Our programme is a personalised approach tailored to support you in reaching you health goals. People who take control of their own health into their hands are 40% more likely to not only improve their recovery, but also achieve a higher quality of health over the long term. 

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“My coach focused me on my goals and encouraged me when life gets in the way or when I lose pace, motivation, vision or energy.”
— Paul
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Taking control of your own path to better health leads to better outcomes. Coaching empowers and supports you to take these steps. Research shows you can improve your motivation and attitude, experience a 40% improvement in your overall health, have a better quality of life and have a significant reduction in pain depression and disability. You will work with your personalised coach to map out your unique journey.

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“My Coach is brilliant, calm, collective, enthusiastic and supportive. She managed to get me to understand what I could do that is positive, bridging a missing gap in my care”
— Julie
wellness circle evolve care